Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Empowering Affirmations for Neurodivergents: Building Self-Esteem & Self-Worth

Navigating the world as a neurodivergent individual often comes with its unique set of challenges. From facing societal misconceptions to grappling with internal struggles, the journey can be overwhelming, especially for those facing a late diagnosis. One powerful tool that can make a significant difference in boosting self-esteem and self-worth is the practice of positive affirmations. I work with neurodivergent clients, helping them transform their narratives about themselves. One way this can be done is through affirmations specifically tailored for neurodivergents to foster a positive self-perception. Check out the examples!

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Unlocking Potential: Access to Work for ADHD, Dyslexia, AuDHD, Autism and CFS / ME

Find out what sort of support is available from Access to Work for you if you are autistic or have ADHD, AuDHD, dyslexia, or CFS / ME. I break the application process down into a few easy steps. I also provide tips on what help you can expect to receive as part of your grant and what to look out for when searching for an Access to Work coach.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Navigating Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD): Understand Your Attachment Style for Empowered Coping

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) is something that not many people know about. But RSD is becoming a more widely recognised term within the neurodiversity world and in mental health circles, particularly among individuals with ADHD and with the rise of TikTok. It describes an extreme emotional sensitivity and intense fear of rejection, criticism, or disapproval that can often be physically felt. I share how you can learn how to understand and manage your RSD.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Building Better Boundaries for Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Organization

In a productivity-oriented world that often glorifies busyness, setting boundaries and saying no can be a radical act of self-care and empowerment, especially if you are neurodivergent or chronically ill. Whether in our personal or professional lives, declining commitments that don't align with our priorities is a crucial skill. Saying “no, thanks” can be a catalyst for building better boundaries and improved mental and physical health, leading to enhanced self-esteem, increased confidence, and improved time-management and organisational skills.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Navigating Transitions: Task-switching Tips for ADHD, AuDHD and Autistic Folks

For those of us with ADHD, AuDHD or autism the world can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of tasks, each demanding attention in its own unique way. Transitions between these tasks can be particularly challenging, often leading to stress and overwhelm. So, it is essential to explore which practical strategies can help you manage your ADHD, AuDHD and autism struggles and enable you to navigate task transitions more smoothly, creating a greater sense of control over your life and reducing anxiety in your daily routine. Here are a few tips to get you started…

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Unplug to Focus: How Blocking Apps and Turning Off Notifications Can Help ADHD

In this fast-paced digital age, staying focused on tasks can be a massive challenge, especially for those of us dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The constant barrage of notifications, emails, and app alerts can quickly derail even the most determined of us ADHDers. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with maintaining focus on tasks, managing their time effectively, and resisting distractions.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Gratitude Journaling and Chronic Illnesses

When you have a chronic illness, like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may not be able to do many of the things that you used to do. But self-care is important and gratitude journaling is an effective tool to maintain good mental health! Here is how I use it…

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

10 Easy Ways to Save Money & the Environment

Here are ten easy changes to your life that will leave you and your environment richer. Save money and help the planet in the process! Sounds like a plan…

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

What do I eat to help my CFS / ME?

For those of us with CFS / ME and Long Covid, diet can play a big part in maintaining our energy levels and helping reduce brain fog. I talk about my experience of using food to aid my recovery, the effects and how I did it!

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Growing microgreens on a windowsill

You may have grown cress as a child and seen how easy it is to grow. Microgreens contain a good amount of nutrients and are basically sprouted seeds and are a good way of getting extra greens into your diet.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Neurodivergence and Cooking: 7 Days of ‘Buddha Bowls’

You are not alone if, as a neurodivergent, you struggle with meal planning, online shopping and cooking. You might find recipes too difficult to follow, find cooking stressful, have varying tastes or textures depending on what week of the year it is and have safe foods that then you quickly cannot stand. But there are some solutions…

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

20 Free or Cheap Activities For This Summer!

15 ways to spend your summer leisure time! The summer holidays for parents are often particularly financially difficult but it is always nice to have ideas about cheap or free ideas for leisure time. Most of the ideas are eco-friendly too, in that they don’t require lots of electricity to do.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Sleep Hygiene for ADHD and CFS

Sleep is incredibly important for everyone but if you have ADHD, CFS / ME, Long Covid or Fibromyalgia then it is even more important to have good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene isn’t just about how and when you sleep — a lot of it is dependent on how you spend your morning and the daytime waking hours, as well as food and exercise habits. Sleep is one of the biggest topics that come up with my ADHD clients and if you have ADHD, know you are not alone in this.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Morning Routines and Bedtime Routines for ADHD

Getting out of bed with ADHD can be a mission! What morning routines do successful ADHDers use? How is having a bedtime routine as important for ADHD as a morning routine? How can you become a “morning person” with ADHD? Why do you struggle to sleep with ADHD?

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